Sanford - Rolodex
Universal Cubicle Mount Organization and Connectivity SystemDesign Lead as well as managed external 3D development and engineering support for an extensive program aimed at offering cubcile connectivity and off-desk organization solutions. Universal rail mount attaches to all OEM office cubicle systems and offers base power and data connectivity as well as off-desk organization accessories. Program allowed Sanford to become the complete workspace solution for home, office and cubicle |
Sustainable Laptop and Desktop ProgramProgram lead to develop a broad offering of sustainable material laptop and desktop configurations that would work with our established Asian manufacturing base. Explorations included FSC-Certified materials as well as a variety of post consumer recycled material options. Program was expected to deliver a higher price point offering with increased margin as well as give Sanford a distinctive retail claim difference. |
Contact Managment
Folios, Planners and Dated Goods ProgramWorked on location in Asia to deliver planners and dated goods program that expanded & complemented existing contact managment and pad folio books lines with a broad retail footprint and brand statement for major office superstore customers. Developed internally as well as managed external graphics, pagination and layout support in the US and Asia. |